PGC Newsletter 29.11.2023


The programme handbook will soon go to print, and we would like to have your updated contact details – specifically, your phone number. If you have changed your number in the past 12 months, please let secretary Margaret Alding know, either by emailing, phoning her on 376 4092 or mobile 021 186 1195 (note, Marg’s cellphone reception can be sketchy, so maybe text her).


This reference was in the club newsletter of 7th April last year, maybe some of you missed it:


Masterton Golf Club is offering all Wairarapa Golf Clubs, including Pahiatua, green fees of $20 per 18-holes, or any part rounds. Their fees have increased to $40 so this is great news for our members. Expect that we will reciprocate with a $20 green fee for their members playing here.

A reminder that we have half-price reciprocal rights with both Eketahuna and Linton Camp Golf Clubs”

So, at Eketahuna we would pay $15 as they do here, and Linton has $20 green fees, but I see by their website their course is open to members only until further notice.

Information regarding reciprocal rights is on the 3rd page of our club’s Programme booklet.

IT SHOULD BE NOTED that we are not affiliated to Wairarapa who are a sub-association of Wellington, we are playing in Marquis Shield and Riverside Cup by invitation to fill a bye situation.

 NEW MEMBERS – Please make these new members welcome when you see them around the course

Craig Johnston

Andrew Snell

Nicole Percy

Hamish Bryan

Shane Robinson

Brett Garrett

Roanna Sutton

Michael Sutton

Michael Treder

Jason Treder

Megan Paewai

Liz Barnes

Get your partners for this

WEEKLY COMPETITION RESULTS: – Hi everyone, can I ask that you please fill out the results book(s) correctly AND clearly so that I don’t have to guess what day you played, what the competition was (Saturdays and Tuesdays)  and the place-getters with their scores.  It will make it easier (and quicker) if the information is correct in the first place. Ladies – if you could fill the accuracy part of the sheet out with hole and competition (CTP, Longest Putt etc), please.

It would also be good if you could all record which holes twos are scored on. Thanks in advance.

Saturday 28th October – Stableford


1st Lisa Cotton 37 points

2nd Jamie Smith 36 points

3rd Danny Pierey 35 points


1st Richard Stewart 36 points

2nd Ivan Fraser 33 points

3rd Brett MacDougall 32 points

Closest to Pin

Lawrence Aspinall - #9, Lionel Toheriri #12

Twos – Danny (18), Nigel Pearson (12), Jason (I think Kelly 4), Jamie (14)

Tuesday 31st October – Bingo, Bango, Bongo

1st Colleen Daysh 27 points

2nd Margaret Drysdale 23 points

3rd Pam Huddleston 22 points

Drawn Twos

Pam Huddleston, Mary Bollard



Sunday 5th November  – Junior Eagles Quadrangular Team Stableford Barry Ashwell Cup

1st Wellington 30.18

2nd Manawatu-Wanganui 28.33

3rd Hawkes Bay 27.66

Taranaki were unplaced

Saturday 4th November  – Par


1st Lisa Cotton SQR

2nd Jason Smith 2 down

3rd Nigel Pearson 2 down


1st Ivan Fraser 1 up

2nd Jeremy Blatchford 1 down

3rd Darcey Ross 2 down

Twos – Jason Smith (9)


Wednesday 8th November - Stableford

1st Jared Bambry 38 points

2nd Ivan Fraser 35 points

Tuesday 7th November – Melbourne Cup Day, Horse and Jockey

1st Horse Lisa Cotton, Jockey Paula McCool

2nd Horse Mary Bollard, Jockey Trish Cuttance

3rd Horse Steph Tisdall, Jockey Deb Henricksen

4th Horse Sue Ross, Jockey Colleen Daysh

Drawn Twos

Mary and Steph

Accuracy – Denise Galvin



Thursday 9th November – Ladies’ Christmas Cheer - Stableford

Division 1

1st Steph Tisdall (Pah) 38 points, 2nd Bronwyn Bielby (Marton) 37 points, 3rd Francie Duffy (Eketahuna) 36 points, 4th Anne Schnell (Feilding) 34 points on count back from 5th Wendy Parkes (Maraenui), 6th Pam Bisset (Pah) 33 points on countback from 7th Dale Bain (Fldg) and 8th Jad Suttor (Dvke), 9th Rachel Williams (Marton) 32 points on countback from Deb Ruwhiu (Takapau) and Lynne Huddleston (Pah)

Closest to Pin #12Wendy Parkes; 2nd shot to the green #11 -Margaret Stephenson (Dvke); Nearest the Christmas Tree #1 - Kate Courtney (Manawatu)

 Division 2

1st Mary Bollard (Pah) 41 points, 2nd Sue Harris (Manawatu) 37 points on countback from 3rd Deirdre Power (Pah), 4th Margaret Brislane (Pongaroa) and 5th Jill Cheer (Palmerston North), 6th Pam Huddleston (Pah) 35 points, 7th Rachael Rowe (Fldg) 34 points on countback from 8th Delwyn King (Rangatira) and 9th Janice Duffy (Eke), 10th Lorraine Akast (Dvke) 33 points on countback from Margaret Alding (Pah) also on 33 points.

Closest to Pin #12Jill Cheer; 2nd shot to the green #11 - Carol Fergus (Palmerston North); Nearest the Christmas Tree #1 - Janice Duffy (Eketahuna)

Twos – Pam Bisset (14)

Tuesday 14th November – 3-Putt Club Ambrose (Nett)

1st Colleen Daysh, Paula McCool & Chree Didham 37.5

2nd Deb Henricksen, Margaret Alding & Margaret Drysdale 38

3rd Steph Tisdall, Mary McAvoy & Jan Hewlett 38.5

4th Lynne Huddleston, Deirdre Power & Codge Hewitt 39.34

5th Pam BIsset, Dawn Smith & Mary Bollard 40

6th Pam Huddleston, Seona Ashton & Val Delehanty 41.34


Thursday 16th November - Stableford

1st Nigel Pearson 39 points

2nd Peter Johns 38 points

3rd Bryan Doherty 38 points





Thursday 23rd November - Stableford

1st Jared Bambry 44 points

2nd Ivan Fraser 35 points

3rd Stu Huddleston 33 points


Saturday 18th November - Stableford


1st Bubba (David) Mitchell 36 points

2nd Lionel Toheriri 34 points

3rd Peter Johns 33 points


1st Andrew (I’m presuming not McKnight) 51 points

2nd Darcey Ross 43 points

3rd Stu Huddleston 37 points

Closest to Pin

#9 – Lionel, #12 Nigel Pearson

Twos – Andrew?? (14)

Tuesday 21st November – Scotch Foursomes (Ladies Closing Day) Nett

1st Mary McAvoy, Pam Bisset & Lynne Huddleston 71.34 nett

2nd Steph Tisdall, Trish Cuttance & Deb Henricksen 74.33

3rd Paula McCool, Dawn Smith & Mary Bollard 75.3

4th Jan Hewlett, Colleen Daysh & Margaret Alding 81.33

5th Seona Ashton, Deirdre Power & Sue Ross 81.66

6th Pam Huddleston, Alison Mason & Colleen Daysh 81.67

Saturday 25th November Closing Day and Presentations (Mixed, Men’s and Ladies’ American Foursomes  - Nett)

Men – 1st Brendon and Kelvin 68.5, 2nd Keenan Thomson and Ian Giblett 69.5, 3rd Shane Robinson and Noel Coombe 71, 4th Peter Johns and Alec Devonshire 72.5 nett

Mixed & Ladies – 1st Bronwyn and Jason Smith 66.5, 2nd Steph Tisdall & Lionel Toheriri 69, 3rd Joe and Trish Cuttance 69.5 nett

2nd Shot to the Green #2

Mixed – Colleen Daysh & Colin Wallace

Men’s – Shane Robinson & Noel Coombe

Ladies – Paula McCool & Seona Ashton

Closest to the Pin

Mixed (9) - Colin Wallace

Men’s (18) – Shane Robinson or Noel Coombe

Ladies (12) – Seona Ashton


Sam Gordon and Leanne Gallichan

KP Bourke and Andrew McKnight

FROM THE AGM - SUBSCRIPTIONS: There has been a $60 increase in subs from 1st March 2024 for the main subscription categories, such as:

Men and women full member $580.00

Country or secondary competitive full member $510.00, non-competitive $460

Mid-week $460

9-hole and summer is increasing by $30 to $290.00


The full list of subscriptions can be found on our website. If you have any queries or would like the conditions clarified, please contact Andrew McKnight on or phone 376 7445.



Posted: Wednesday 29 November 2023