PGC Newsletter 26.05.2022


EARLY TEE OFF TIME – 3 MONTH TRIAL commencing Saturday 4th June

Over the winter months we will try a tee off time of an hour earlier – cards in by 11am, tee off 11.15am.

CHAMPIONSHIP DRAWS will be up in the locker room this Saturday morning 28th

Check your matches out, be pro-active and get them played as soon as possible, before the real bad weather kicks in. 

FROM THE committee table (Thanks Marg):

  • There have been a few comments that our greens are getting smaller - the putting surface is the same but the new surrounds mower is a little wider and is doing 2 sweeps of the cutting surface which has slightly increased the surrounds.
  • Cart hire - there will no longer be a discount for members hiring carts - the hire cost will be $30 per cart. The carts are getting old and we are looking at replacements but the availability is not good at the moment and we will need to apply for funding. We ask that members respect this decision and only use carts when necessary.
  • The Steering committee for the "rebuild" have nothing to report as yet. 
  • Membership cards will not be printed this year - it was felt that they are no longer needed as everything is now available on the Golf app.
  • A big thank you to Central Energy Trust for our grant to enable the 3 heat pumps to be installed.

Junior golf

Futures golf will play 6, 9 or 18 holes this Sunday 29th Check our website and Facebook page for details. Please register to ensure a place in your event.


Marquis Shield – the team played Masterton at Masterton on Sunday 22nd and were on the wrong end of a good old-fashioned 5½ - 12½ “hiding”, hard luck team, always  tough playing the home team. Congratulations to those who recorded wins. The team was; Seniors - Danny Pierey, Jason Smith, Nigel Pearson and Shaun Smith, Intermediates - Steven McHardy, Peter Timmins, Colin Wallace and Logan McHardy, and juniors Mark Thomson, Mark Hemopo, Peter Bourke and Peter Johns.

Overall standings after the three rounds has our team tied with Masterton in the Marquis Shield (8 points), 4th in the Workman Cup (6), 3rd= in the Intermediate Cup (6) and 2nd in the Sutherland Trophy with 7 points. The team’s next round is at Martinborough versus Carterton on Sunday 12th June. The final round will be here on Sunday 26th June vs Eketahuna.

Monday Pennants – Our team lost to Manawatu in the finals on Monday 23rd May at Palmerston North leaving them in 8th place overall. Playing in the final round was Pam Bisset, Deb Henricksen, Pam Huddleston, Seona Ashton, Trish Cuttance and Margaret Alding. After golf, both ladies’ pennant teams had a wind-up dinner at New Central Hotel in Woodville.

 We are remaining in Orange COVID-19 Traffic Light Setting

A shout out to our members who are (or have been) isolating due to contracting covid. Rest up, follow the rules, get well and come back to golf as soon as you are properly able to.

Gentle reminder – in orange, as hospitality those serving food or drink must wear a mask


Thursday 5th May – Hibberd Trophy (Stableford)

1st P Johns 35 points

2nd D Percy 34 points

3rd P Bisset 33 points from I Fraser

Saturday 7th May – Byrne Cup and Vets Trophy Rds 3 (Medal)


1st N Pearson 71 nett

2nd Jason Smith 78 nett

3rd T Kerins 79 nett by lot from C Wallace and M Thomson


1st A Devonshire 76 nett

2nd M Hemopo 78 nett

3rd D Percy 79 nett

Closest to Pin: #9 N Pearson, #12 M Hemopo

Twos: N Pearson (14)

Tuesday 10th May – Olsen Cup Rd 2 (Stableford)

1st J Bisset 36 points

2nd P Bisset 35 points

3rd C Daysh 34 points

4th= L Cotton and P Huddleston 33 points

Twos: P Bisset

Accuracy: Closest to Pin #9 – P Bisset

Thursday 12th May – Hibberd Trophy (Stableford)

1st C Stevens 36 points

2nd S Huddleston 35 points

3rd P Johns 31 points

4th A Bisset 30 points

5th C Wallace 30 points by lot from P Bollard

Saturday 14th May – Bourke Cup Rd 3 (Stableford)


1st N Pearson 37 points

2nd T Kerins 35 by lot from 3rd M Hemopo


1st H August 33 points

2nd L Toheriri 32 points by lot from M Alding

Closest to Pin: #9 R Stewart, #12 Jason Smith

Twos: C Wallace #14, T Kerins #4

Sunday 15th May – Donald & Williams Salvers Rd 3 (Mixed Foursomes)

1st Jason and B Smith 72 nett

2nd M Alding and P Timmins 77 nett

3rd D and Jamie Smith 78 nett

Tuesday 17th  May – Stableford and Matches

1st P Huddleston 37 points

2nd C Daysh 32 points

3rd M Alding 31 points

4th= D Smith, M Brislane, S Ashton and B Smith 30 points

Drawn 2s: D Henricksen, B :Smith and M McAvoy

Accuracy: Longest Putt #12: M Alding

Thursday 19th May – Hibberd Trophy (Stableford)

9 holes only played

1st A Bisset 21 points

2nd J Delehanty 18 points

3rd D Percy 16 points from C Stevens and G Smith


Saturday 21st May – Watson Cup Rd 3 (Par)


1st C Wallace 3 down

2nd P Timmins 6 down


1st L Toheriri all square

2nd S Huddleston all square

Closest to Pin: #9 and #12 L Toheriri

Twos: C Wallace #14

Tuesday 24th  May – Trethella Cup (Par)

1st M Drysdale 2up,2nd= M Alding and M Brislane 1 down, 4th D Smith 3 down, 5th= T Cuttance and P Bisset 4 down

Drawn 2s: M Bollard and D Smith. Accuracy: Longest Putt #14: A Mason (great putt, Allie).


Posted: Thursday 26 May 2022