AGM AGENDA: As previously reported, it has been necessary to bring our AGM forward by 1 week to Wednesday 18th November. Eligible members will receive the agenda and reports via email in the next few days.We are looking for a Secretary, a Club Captain and committee. It is imperative that we obtain a Secretary – we cannot function unless we have someone in this role. Without a Secretary, we cannot apply for or receive a Bar licence. Think about the implications of this!
We have firewood for sale. Get your wood in ready for next year! We have pine at $250 and gum for $300. Prices are for 3cubic metre loads, delivered. Please contact Gerald Smith, 376 5516.
CONGRATULATIONS to Lisa Cotton who represented Manawatu-Wanganui the weekend of 10th/11th in the Sybil Green quadrangular at Te Ngutu just north of Hawera. Along with our team, the other teams are Wellington, Hawkes Bay-Poverty Bay and Taranaki. There are 8 women in each team, and they play each other in matchplay. Results were mixed, with Manawatu-Wanganui being placed 2nd equal with Wellington.
BUSH CLASSIC 2021 – The weekend of Bush Classic is changed from what it is in your programme – it has been moved to the next weekend, 16th and 17th January. If you entered or expressed interest in 2020 you will automatically receive notification, if your email is registered. Please action as soon as possible – if COVID rears its ugly head and we have to limit numbers, entry will be on a strict first fully-paid up, first in basis. Entry form is attached with this newsletter.
Tuesday 6th October – Captain vs Secretary, Stableford I was very remiss in my last newsletter for leaving out the results of Captain versus Secretary team competition Captain – 31.66 average Secretary – 28.71 average Thursday 8th October – Stableford 1st D Campbell 39 points 2nd L Toheriri 39 points
Saturday 10th – Yellow Tee Tournament SPONSORED BY POST OFFICE HOTEL Awesome day for those who attended. Where else can you get morning tee, a feed and your money back (or more) for only $25 while supporting your club? MEN: 1st L Toheriri 41 points, 2nd J Smith 36 points, 3rd P Timmins 35 points, 4th= N Pearson and R Stewart 33 points, 6th S Huddleston 32 points,7th= P Johns and K Hanks 31 points, 9th I Sturgess 30 points, 9th= T Lozell and J Kay 29 points LADIES:1st S Ross 36 points, 2nd D Smith 35 points, 3rd= B Smith and P Bisset 34 points, 5th= P Huddleston, M Drysdale and C Daysh 32 points TWOS: N Pearson and P Johns took the prize money. I Sturgess also scored a two. CLOSEST TO THE PIN #18:Ladies: B Smith, Men: P Timmins APPROACH 2ND SHOT TO THE GREEN #2: :Ladies: C Daysh, Men: P Timmins THANKS: To all who helped make the day run smoothly from the office, food, preparation, BBQ, cleaning up afterwards and the greens staff/volunteers who again presented the course to the usual high standard. |
Thursday 15th October – Stableford 1st D Campbell 38 points 2nd R Fryer 37 points 3rd J Cuttance 33 points 4th S Huddleston 32 points
Saturday 17th October – Stableford 1st L Toheriri 69 nett 2nd M Field 72 nett 3rd D Percy 74 nett 4th J Metcalfe 75 nett 5th S Huddleston 76 nett Closest to Pin: #9 R Stewart, #12 L Toheriri |
Thursday 22nd October – Stableford 1st S Huddleston 35 points 2nd L Toheriri 35 points 3rd D Campbell 31 points
Tuesday 20th October – Aloma Jackson Trophy Shootout (postponed from Tuesday 13th) 15 ladies contested this year’s Shootout, organised by Pam Bisset. Many thanks to John Delehanty who was the overseer on the day, keeping the ladies in check. Results: 1st Sue Ross, 2nd Pam Bisset, 3rd Denise Galvin, 4th Margaret Brislane, 5th Lindy Wheeler, 6th Kay Ball, 7th Trish Cuttance, 8th Colleen Daysh, 9th Marion Hunt, 10th Rona Squires, 11th Mary Bollard, 12th Pam Huddleston, 13th Deb Small, 14th Natalie Mabey, 15th Dawn Smith. |
Saturday 24th October – Stableford and Dirty Dozen 40th Reunion 1st L Toheriri 39 points, 2nd M Field 39 points, 3rd= T Kerins and D Campbell 37 points, 5th KP Bourke 34 points, 6th M Read 34 points, 7th K Norris 33 points, 8th P Timmins 33 points, 9th N Coombe 33 points. Closest to Pin: #9 N Pearson, #12 I Fraser. Twos: N Pearson (9) |
Tuesday 27th October – Stableford – the ladies were rained out! 9 holes only were able to be played 1st Birthday girl D Power 20 points, 2nd= B Smith, M Brislane and S Ross 18 points, 5th= T Cuttance and M Bollard. Drawn twos: T Crispin and M Bollard. Accuracy #18 – M Brislane.
NOVEMBER Sunday 1st:
Junior Eagles’ Quadrangular tournament 10.30. The course is closed until after play. All enquiries to Tony Lozell.Tuesday 3rd:
Melbourne Cup Day. Ladies’ Closing Day 9.30am. Lunch for former and present members. Bring a bit of cash for the sweepstake and raffles, haggle and lunch.
Sunday 8th:
Champion of Champions, Men at Wanganui (Belmont, that is)
Ladies play at Rangitikei – good luck to our team of Lisa Cotton, Margaret Brislane, Bronwyn Smith and Denise Galvin.
Wednesday 11th:
Club haggle changed to today, to accommodate the Ladies’ Christmas Cheer on 12th. Thanks guys.
Ladies’ catering for Fonterra awards dinner.
Thursday 12th:
Ladies’ Christmas Cheer 10am tee off.
Saturday 14th:
Club closing day and Presentations – golf from 12 noon.
Sunday 15th:
Summer golf commences, and scores to qualify for summer shootout
Tuesday 17th:
Ladies’ AGM at 10am followed by 3-Putt club.
Wednesday 18th:
Club AGM 7.30pm
Thursday 19thuntil 17th December, recommencing 14th January until the end of February
Twilight golf – tee off from 4.30pm. Tony Lozell, Steven McHardy and Kieran Pierey will be running Twilight.
Saturday 28th:
TC Adjunct Mystery trip
DECEMBER Friday 11th:
Eagles golfing at Cape Kidnappers
Saturday 12th:
Christmas Cheer 1pm tee off. Men’s and Ladies’ separate foursomes.
JANUARY Tuesday 12th:
LVA Golf, Pahiatua. Morning tea 9.15-10am prior to tee off
Saturday 16th and Sunday 17th:
Bush Classic, Eketahuna 12 noon (Sat) and Pahiatua 10am (Sun)
Posted: Wednesday 18 November 2020