COVID-19 UPDATE – Please check out the notices at golf and adhere to the rules of playing on the course and social distancing upstairs.
LADIES CHAMPIONSHIP FINALS MATCHES – There will be two ladies’ championship finals matches being played on Sunday 30th August. If you could pop out to see some championship golf, that would be awesome. Good golfing, ladies. The matches are:
- Bronze 1: 8.15am Margaret Brislane vs Bronwyn Smith (36 holes)
- Bronze 3: 11.00 Mary Bollard vs Natalie Mabey (18 holes)
The ladies’ have decided to proceed with their tournament on Thursday 3rd September. We will be complying with general Alert Level 2 procedures and will be practising appropriate hygiene and social distancing obligations. Our field is now closed and we will only be taking entries from a waiting list. Please contact Pam Huddleston 06 376 5625.
NEW MEMBER – A big welcome to Ian Chambers who has joined the club. He came along and played on Saturday, meeting with many of our members. Please make him welcome when you see him around the course.
Saturday 29th August – along with District Challenge, PGA Decanters will be played, not on Sunday 30th as set down (due to Marquis Shield). Decanters is mixed combined stableford, arrange own partners. You can play in the competition of the day if you wish.Saturday 30th August – Marquis Shield final round, vs Martinborough at Masterton GOOD LUCK, TEAM. Eagles’ Day at Foxton. Ladies’ championship finals matches as above. Thursday 3rd September – Ladies American Foursomes 10am (Wednesday). Saturday 19th September - Mid-Winter Christmas Tournament that was scheduled for Saturday 15th August has been changed to a Yellow Tee Spring Fling fun day tournament that will be played on Saturday September 19th - lock it in! Sponsored by PO Hotel, $25 entry fee includes BBQ meal after play. 2s will be an extra $2. We will be having approach and accuracy prizes. Saturday 19th September – Dirty Dozen 40-year reunion, golf, drinks and meal at Pahiatua Golf Club. |
Thursday 20th August – Stableford 1st Jason Smith 32 points 2nd J Delehanty 29 points
“Golf is an awkward set of bodily contortions designed to produce a graceful result” – Tommy Armour.
Saturday 22nd August – Stableford and TC Day 1st M Hemopo 36 points 2nd P Drysdale 36 points 3rd P Johns 35 points 4th M Field 34 points 5th R Stewart 33 points 6th D Galvin 33 points 7th I Sturgess 32 points 8th C Daysh 32 points 9th P Bisset 32 points Twos: C Daysh #4 Jackpot hole: #14, not struck (stink!) TC Day sponsored by Last of the Summer Wine (Paddy, Ivan and Stu), many thanks. |
Tuesday 25th August – LGU Silver Medal and Stableford Button 1st P BIsset nett 76 2nd= S Ross and L Wheeler 78 nett 4th C Daysh 80 nett Two: P Bisset Winner of Silver Medal and Stableford Button – P Bisset, nett 76 and 33 stableford points.
Posted: Wednesday 26 August 2020